At this time, I am painting figures I already have and putting them up for Ebay Auction. I do not have lots of time available to offer a traditional painting service. Everyone I know that has done so, has quickly been overwhelmed by the requests.
That said, I am still willing to hear smaller requests. I will entertain the idea of painting single special figures or very small units. I will give higher consideration to previous customers of my regular work. I will also take some requests to add figures to items I've sold, such as the command I added to the High Elf White Lion's unit after the auction.
I do still wish to approach the selling of figures as a service however. I realize that one of the key issues in making an army look 'unified' is common base treatment between the units. I leave the bases unfinished during auctioning for this reason. The buyer can then choose the base treatment to match with what they already have. Other small changes can also be handled after a purchase. If all your orcs have red eyes, I can make that happen for your new figs too, as an example.